Monday, August 31, 2009

Exercise 1

1) What do you just read?
I just read some comeputer book about how to use Microsoft Office such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excell and Microsoft Powerpoint.

2) Why imagination is more important than knowledge?
Because the imagination is individual thinking. Someone thinks for the future, which is not for today and thinking is the first idea to develope for the better future. Nowaday, we have knowledge to do anything and we need to make more better thing by development knowledge of individual imagination. Therefore, imagination is more important than knowledge.

3) Why do you seek for information?
Because every one always need to get information so they have to seek for the information they want in order to bring it to use more. Maybe seek for comerce or business to develope it better.

4) What topic do you know best? Why?
About computer because I usually use computer and I have to learn by myself, so I have to seek for some books in order to read and make understaknding to use it myself such as how to use internet for the beginer, basic using computer and how to use Microsoft Office.

5) What website do you like most? Why?
Website that I like the most is because I can use it to contact my friends anytime. it is easy to use and if I or my friends do not have the time enaught to call together. I can leave my message and they will receive it soon, and they can respond me back by leaving message to me lately so we can contact together anytime. Moreover we can also sent the feeling symbol, picture, photo or music to present our feeling in that time.

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